Well, I dont remember if I've blogged about this before, and I dont care if it's out of season, but I LOVE this clutch. The fact that it's $1950 makes it only slightly less attractive. But, one day, the Alexander McQueen Knuckle Duster clutch shall be MINE!!!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Well, I dont remember if I've blogged about this before, and I dont care if it's out of season, but I LOVE this clutch. The fact that it's $1950 makes it only slightly less attractive. But, one day, the Alexander McQueen Knuckle Duster clutch shall be MINE!!!
Maybe it's my not-so-sub-conscious telling me about myself, but I've been listening to some really sappy music as of late. Some of it sad, some of it heartwarming, some of it inspirational, but most of it music about crappy ass relationships. The thing is, I havent been in a relationship in almost 6 months, and I do not want to "rekindle the flame" with that mofo, so seriously, what's up? I think I need a personal psychologist, because all of this self-discovery crap is taking away from my college-application energy.
Twitter, part II
So...I deleted my twitter. I realized a month or two ago that it's a waste of my damn time. All twitter is is facebook minus all of the graphics and applications. I'll stick with facebook and laugh at people's profile pics, thank you very much.
Im NOT Addicted to Sex....
One thing I've noticed about myself, is that Im fascinated with sex! And this isnt a recent discovery either. I'd say it started in the 8th grade, and now, 4 years later, it's manifested itself into a small obsession. The weird thing is...Im a virgin. So here I am, I've never had sex, dont see myself having sex anytime soon, but am completely intrigued by the act. Maybe it's the mechanics of it, or maybe it's the emotional connection that some people have while engaging in it, but it just holds my attention like nothing else can. I wont go as far as to say I fantisize, but I think about sooo much, you'd swear my mind belonged to a guy! I've already made a mental note of what I want to...."do," and how I want it...."done." Does this mean that when I eventually do have sex, it'll be really good? Hopefully, but, until then......
Hiatus is inevitable....
So....because my computers decided to commit suicide, blogging has become almost...non-exsistant. But as for right now, I have a computer, so Im gonna give it too ya good
Sunday, September 13, 2009
The 2009 VMAs
The MTV Video Music Awards is an award show held anually anywhere from late August to early September that first aired on September 14, 1984. Since then, it had become a staple in pop culture, with spectacular performances and music artists feeling that they've finally "made it" once they recieve their first Moonman. However, in recent years, the quality and the excitement of the VMAs have dwindled drastically, feeling more like the Oscars rather than an MTV production. This year's show, however, is the best show in a very long time. With performances by Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Jay-Z, and up and coming rapper Wale with the VMA House Band, as well as an impromptu "performance" by Kanye West and a wonderful tribute to Michael Jackson, this year's Video Music Awards was, at the very least, incredible.
Even with that said, I cant help but think that Michael Jackson's June 2009 death had a hand in this. Last years show was just plain bad, and to make a comeback of this magnitude is almost unheard of. Hopefully, the intensity of this year's show was not due to the fact that The King of Pop died, but because the producers of the show realized how horrendous the 2008 VMAs were. One can only hope the 2010 Video Music Awards are as great as this year's.
Even with that said, I cant help but think that Michael Jackson's June 2009 death had a hand in this. Last years show was just plain bad, and to make a comeback of this magnitude is almost unheard of. Hopefully, the intensity of this year's show was not due to the fact that The King of Pop died, but because the producers of the show realized how horrendous the 2008 VMAs were. One can only hope the 2010 Video Music Awards are as great as this year's.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
It's almost a sickness...
So...the universe works in some mysterious ass ways. I say that because I just ran across a website that supports my Kid Cudi habit, other than his twitter, youtube and blog. It is http://datnewcudi.com , and I just literally found it 5 seconds ago, instantly fell in love (I mean, come on, who would think that I wouldnt?) and had to blog about it.
In addition to that, True Blood is now my favorite effin television show...ever. The episode that just came on tonight has the entire series kickin Scooby Doo off that #1 spot as my favorite thing to watch. Im even starting to like Sookie Stackhouse again!!! So yeah, sorry Scooby and Mystery Inc, but the residents of Bon Temps have real monsters that kick ass, not losers in masks trying to steal treasure!!
In addition to that, True Blood is now my favorite effin television show...ever. The episode that just came on tonight has the entire series kickin Scooby Doo off that #1 spot as my favorite thing to watch. Im even starting to like Sookie Stackhouse again!!! So yeah, sorry Scooby and Mystery Inc, but the residents of Bon Temps have real monsters that kick ass, not losers in masks trying to steal treasure!!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Okay, so I finally got up off my ass and downloaded Kid Cudi's mixtape in it's entirety, and OM-effin-G!!! It's musical genius!! After my musical revelation, I found his twitter and his blog (okay, more like I searched and stalked, but hey, who's looking at the adjectives???) He just seems so effin real, and I LOVE IT!!! Now I understand my friend's obsession with the dude (speaking of which, he should probably watch his back for any hippies...). I mean, yeah, he is wonderful to look at, I've known that for a number of months, but now theres so much depth there, and its incredibly sexy. Makes me wanna age 8 years in 8 hours just so I can do "bad" things to him lol.
(oh, and the profile song was added before the downloading of the mixtape.....well, a few minutes before!)
(oh, and the profile song was added before the downloading of the mixtape.....well, a few minutes before!)
(no, seriously, look at that!!!!)
Monday, July 6, 2009
So yeah....Im stuck in the house for the next few days. "Why?" Might you ask? Because I, being the wonderfully coordinated person that I am, freakin sprained two of my toes, and this hurts like a biatch!!! GRR!!! I wanna go somewhere and take some darn pictures of myself. (yeah, I said it!)
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Seriously, im broke and in dire need of a few things (a new iPod for instance) so I need a effin job!! And with the economy the way it is, all the jobs that I would be qualified for are all filled by people who lost their office jobs....DAMMIT!! So seriously, If you out there in the interwebz can give me a job that involves keeping my clothes on, I will surely take it!!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
...all I can do is just breathe in, breathe out...
UGH!!! Summer SUCKS!!! And my current situation doesnt make it any better. Why is it soo hard for me to just fully move on?? Yeah we're "friends" I guess, but I dont have the overwhelming desire to communicate with my friends every effin day!!! GOD, I annoy myself! Moving on has never been this hard....EVER. Hell, I've moved on during the relationship before, so why, why, why, WHY, is it soo muffuccin (yea, muffuccin) hard now? I just need the summer to go by hella slow, because the longer it is, the easier it will be for me to un-discomboulate my emotions.
I feel weak. Not SWV type 'weak in the knees.' Oh no, weak as in not as strong as I should be. If someone else came to me in the same situation im in right now I would tell them to suck it up and move on, so why the hell can I not take my own advice? I still dont know why he fucks with my emotions soo much. I have yet to realize what has made him soo special to me that I routinely sacrifice my pride and damn near my sanity over him.
And the real funny thing about this whole thing is, I dont want him back. Okay, scratch that, I dont know what I want. But, by saying that, wouldnt that mean I dont? Whatever, playing relationship councelor to myself is too hard.
I just want to let him go and regain the miniscule amount of sanity that I had before all this.
I feel weak. Not SWV type 'weak in the knees.' Oh no, weak as in not as strong as I should be. If someone else came to me in the same situation im in right now I would tell them to suck it up and move on, so why the hell can I not take my own advice? I still dont know why he fucks with my emotions soo much. I have yet to realize what has made him soo special to me that I routinely sacrifice my pride and damn near my sanity over him.
And the real funny thing about this whole thing is, I dont want him back. Okay, scratch that, I dont know what I want. But, by saying that, wouldnt that mean I dont? Whatever, playing relationship councelor to myself is too hard.
I just want to let him go and regain the miniscule amount of sanity that I had before all this.
Friday, May 29, 2009
so yeah, havent been here in a while, but hey, it's time for me to vent:
so, im officially single...again. It's not like I have a problem with singledom, but it just hurts sooo bad. I dont even know the real reason why we broke up, it just went down that way.
so, im officially single...again. It's not like I have a problem with singledom, but it just hurts sooo bad. I dont even know the real reason why we broke up, it just went down that way.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
OMG! So, Im sitting in my room watching music videos on OnDemand, and come across Lady Gaga's Love Game. Oh My effin Gosh!!! Best music video EVER!!! And her Chanel shoes were magnificent!!! You should watch it!
...so yeah
...So yeah, I've been slacking with the blogging as of late, and I'll probably continue to slack off, as that is my nature (lol). But I'll try to keep up!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Chris Brown BS (Graphic Pic included)
I know I said I'd finish the snowboarding post first, but, this right here is some bullshit. Chris Brown, quite literally, beat the good God outta Rihanna. I honestly dont care what she did, there is no justifiable reason for him to have done that to her. He needs serious consequences. Whether it be prison time or intensive psycho therapy, I dont know what the hell he needs. And honestly, Im not even disgusted that he's done this to a female. Im mad at the fact that he has it in him to do this to anybody unless they were attacking him, and come on!! I know Rihanna is like 5'9 (what a wonderful height to be!!!), but there aint no way in hell that her little dainty behind would have enough power to pose a threat to Chris Brown. NO WAY!! Like B. Scott said, it's like a pitbull going against a poodle.

Sunday, February 15, 2009
Snowboarding...and other random activities (pics coming soon)
So, this weekend I went on a snowboarding trip with YoungLife, and lets just say it was quite an adventure LOL!! So, the the whole thing started Friday after school when everyone had to meet at the little blue church down the street from school. We were supposed to leave at like 4, but you know black people can never be on time!! j/k, anyways, 8 people (me, Blair, Markisha, Bob, JJ, Morgan, Mike, Carlton, Elliot and Geoff) and 3 chaperones (Monica, Vernon, Sterling) ended up going in 2 cars...well, a mini van and a land rover. There was NO room in the van, everyone was on everybody else, but I'd be lying if I said it wasnt fun! I've always known Blair and Markisha were crazy as all hell, but Bob, Morgan and Mike were on a whole different level. Wont go into details, or else i'd be here aalllllll night long.
It took about 4 hours to get from Westchester to San Bernardino county where Big Bear is, then another 2 hours to get far enough up the mountain to have to put the tire chains on. So, Vernon puts them on, and Sterling leaves us (well, it's not like he could've stopped and pulled over....or could he have?). It's like 12:30 in the morning, and we're driving up the mountain. We get to Big Bear Lake at about 2, and do not know where to go. So basically, we're lost in the snow for two hours until Sterling comes to get us...with everyone else in the car!! (we figured he didnt know where he was going either). The entire time we were "lost," everyone was saying and doing the most retarded things because we were all delerious. I mean, people were saying that my idea to adopt a coyote and name it Scooter was a good one. So yeah, we didnt get to the cabin until 4am, and I could not find my phone (turns out it was in the car under the seat, but it was 4 in the morning, so of course nobody could find it)
Day 2:
We woke up at like 9 am, took a shower in cold ass water (thanks to Mike), didnt get a chance to eat breakfast, and went straight to the snowboarding place. Now, im not going to lie, I SUCK at snowboarding!!! I fell everytime, and, since I just had on two pairs of regular gloves on instead of snow gloves, due to me falling, my gloves got wet...and FROZE!!! I mean, they were completely frozen, and my fingers were suffering!! They were soo cold they hurt!! And cant forget about my boots!!! Words of Wisdom: Rain boots are NOT made for the snow. Me, Blair, Markisha and Monica had to find that out the hard way. Thank Oprah they gave us snowbaording boots, or else our feet would have been completely frozen!!!
Well, due to us not eating in the morning, we were STARVING by the time we finished snowboarding. Like, straight up ravenous, and spent probably about 30 mins walking around Big Bear Lake trying to find a freakin restaurant before we finally decided to go to the effin store.
(well, yeah, im tired as hell, and i'll finish and add pics later)
10 years later!!!! LOL, well yeah, im not adding pics...hell i might, just not to this particular post.
Anyways, we go to the store, I get some pop tarts, we have an inappropriately long convo about Porn in the car (and I accidentally proved to everyone that Im a freak...no questions please!! lol), then we go back to the cabin, eat, have more crazy, yet far more appropriate, conversations all night until we went to bed. Next day, we went sledding, then we go home.
We knew we were back in LA when we got out the car and the air smelled like ass, gas, and ramen noodles....
It took about 4 hours to get from Westchester to San Bernardino county where Big Bear is, then another 2 hours to get far enough up the mountain to have to put the tire chains on. So, Vernon puts them on, and Sterling leaves us (well, it's not like he could've stopped and pulled over....or could he have?). It's like 12:30 in the morning, and we're driving up the mountain. We get to Big Bear Lake at about 2, and do not know where to go. So basically, we're lost in the snow for two hours until Sterling comes to get us...with everyone else in the car!! (we figured he didnt know where he was going either). The entire time we were "lost," everyone was saying and doing the most retarded things because we were all delerious. I mean, people were saying that my idea to adopt a coyote and name it Scooter was a good one. So yeah, we didnt get to the cabin until 4am, and I could not find my phone (turns out it was in the car under the seat, but it was 4 in the morning, so of course nobody could find it)
Day 2:
We woke up at like 9 am, took a shower in cold ass water (thanks to Mike), didnt get a chance to eat breakfast, and went straight to the snowboarding place. Now, im not going to lie, I SUCK at snowboarding!!! I fell everytime, and, since I just had on two pairs of regular gloves on instead of snow gloves, due to me falling, my gloves got wet...and FROZE!!! I mean, they were completely frozen, and my fingers were suffering!! They were soo cold they hurt!! And cant forget about my boots!!! Words of Wisdom: Rain boots are NOT made for the snow. Me, Blair, Markisha and Monica had to find that out the hard way. Thank Oprah they gave us snowbaording boots, or else our feet would have been completely frozen!!!
Well, due to us not eating in the morning, we were STARVING by the time we finished snowboarding. Like, straight up ravenous, and spent probably about 30 mins walking around Big Bear Lake trying to find a freakin restaurant before we finally decided to go to the effin store.
(well, yeah, im tired as hell, and i'll finish and add pics later)
10 years later!!!! LOL, well yeah, im not adding pics...hell i might, just not to this particular post.
Anyways, we go to the store, I get some pop tarts, we have an inappropriately long convo about Porn in the car (and I accidentally proved to everyone that Im a freak...no questions please!! lol), then we go back to the cabin, eat, have more crazy, yet far more appropriate, conversations all night until we went to bed. Next day, we went sledding, then we go home.
We knew we were back in LA when we got out the car and the air smelled like ass, gas, and ramen noodles....
Sunday, February 8, 2009
...and The Chris Brown Drama
UPDATE #2:: CBS news reports that the gray Lamborghini he was driving last night would be impounded as evidence, and that domestic abuse charges could be added as the case develops. They also stated that Rihanna was found with injuries to her face and a bite mark on her arm...This looks freakin terrible for dude right now, if they go to trial on this, mann, his career is OVER!!
UPDATE:: According to MTV News, he's been released on bail, and was charged with making "Criminal Threats"...basically, he was talking wreckless to Rihanna, she got pissed off and called the police. Hmm, methinks something's rotten in Tinsle Town
link: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1604577/20090209/brown__chris__18_.jhtml
well, if you already dont know, my 8th grade husband, Chris Brown, was arrested on the grounds of battery today at the Wilshire LAPD office for allegedly effin Rihanna up (or saying that he would). Now, I am by no means an advocate of domestic violence, but something about this just doesnt sit right with me. I hope he didnt do this, and she's trying to ruin him, but at the same time, I would hope she wouldnt joke around about things like this, or try to ruin his life. See, it's all so confusing, but hey, the only people who know what actually happened are the two of them, so lets just see how this all plays out.
links: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2009/02/rb-singer-chris.html
UPDATE:: According to MTV News, he's been released on bail, and was charged with making "Criminal Threats"...basically, he was talking wreckless to Rihanna, she got pissed off and called the police. Hmm, methinks something's rotten in Tinsle Town
link: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1604577/20090209/brown__chris__18_.jhtml
well, if you already dont know, my 8th grade husband, Chris Brown, was arrested on the grounds of battery today at the Wilshire LAPD office for allegedly effin Rihanna up (or saying that he would). Now, I am by no means an advocate of domestic violence, but something about this just doesnt sit right with me. I hope he didnt do this, and she's trying to ruin him, but at the same time, I would hope she wouldnt joke around about things like this, or try to ruin his life. See, it's all so confusing, but hey, the only people who know what actually happened are the two of them, so lets just see how this all plays out.
links: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2009/02/rb-singer-chris.html
The Grammys: The Good, The Bad...
well, the Grammys came on tonight, and I have to say, whoever the writer is, they need to be shot. Those jokes they had The Rock and Justin Timberlake doing were NOT funny. Not even a little bit. However, the performances were on point! Everyone brought their A-game, especially M.I.A, with her pregnant self, out there with T.I., Kanye, Jay-Z, and Lil Wayne on her due date!!! Can we say gangsta?!?!?!?! Man, 2008 was a good year for music.
new focus=new title
well, if one couldnt already tell, I have a new blog title. "Love, Brandi" was so...I dont even know how to describe it. But it made the entire blog seem like a series of letters or something. So I was watching For the Love of Ray J on VH1, and it hit me: this blog is basically a place for all of my random ass thoughts to materialize into something coherent so I wouldnt lose my ever loving mind. So instead of For the Love of Ray J, my blog is now called, "For the Sanity of Brandi." Because lord knows if I didnt have an outlet for my thoughts, I'd be crazy(er) by now!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Okay, well today is my Old Lady Buh-Layer's B-day. LOL, im hella mad that she's 10 months older than me, but Im a good 6inches taller than her. Oh whatever, my mini-homie is 17 today!! That means she can get us in to R-rated movies without sneaking in! Well, maybe not, she does still look 12 (lmao, j/k).
Yeah, I remember the time in the 9th grade when I continuously stole her tater totts...she's still not over that, btw.
and then when me and Markisha were throwing raisins at her last year just to watch her reaction...ah, good times!
anyways, Happy Birfday Blair!!!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Life effin SUCKS!!!
once again, My life SUCKS!!!! Okay, well, Im being hella dramatic right now, but I am in a suck-ass situation. See, my computer aka my baby since the 9th grade DIED on me last saturday...with my winter break assignment still in it. So, here I am on Wednesday night trying my damn hardest to redo everything on my mom's computer before monday, and what am I doing? BLOGGING!!! grr, Procrastination is one hell of a drug. Well, at least my mom is getting me a Macbook next month (hopefully).
well, unless I get a Blackberry Storm between now and then, there will be like NO pics on this blog right here. So, im off to take a nap, wake up, watch American Idol and do my HW at the same time, watch the Real World and do my HW at the same time, drink a Monster, then be up until probably 2am...sounds like fun, doesnt it? NO, it doesnt
well, unless I get a Blackberry Storm between now and then, there will be like NO pics on this blog right here. So, im off to take a nap, wake up, watch American Idol and do my HW at the same time, watch the Real World and do my HW at the same time, drink a Monster, then be up until probably 2am...sounds like fun, doesnt it? NO, it doesnt
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