Monday, July 13, 2009


Okay, so I finally got up off my ass and downloaded Kid Cudi's mixtape in it's entirety, and OM-effin-G!!! It's musical genius!! After my musical revelation, I found his twitter and his blog (okay, more like I searched and stalked, but hey, who's looking at the adjectives???) He just seems so effin real, and I LOVE IT!!! Now I understand my friend's obsession with the dude (speaking of which, he should probably watch his back for any hippies...). I mean, yeah, he is wonderful to look at, I've known that for a number of months, but now theres so much depth there, and its incredibly sexy. Makes me wanna age 8 years in 8 hours just so I can do "bad" things to him lol.
(oh, and the profile song was added before the downloading of the mixtape.....well, a few minutes before!)

Kid Cudi
(no, seriously, look at that!!!!)

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